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Advanced Power and Thermal Laboratory

  • Ohio
Architecture   /   Interior DesigN

Architecture / Interior Design


The Challenge

In 1934, Building 23 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base was constructed as an aircraft hangar and test facility. More than 70 years later, the U.S. Air Force wanted to renovate the building to provide a modern lab facility for state-of-the-art energy research. It requested a design that retains the historic feel and aesthetic of the original building, while also creating a modern interior that meets security and force protection requirements.

The Solution

A three-story facility was created within the existing brick shell, adding new spaces for material processing, data acquisition, operations, and fabrication. The design also had special acoustical needs due to the use of vibration-sensitive equipment such as lasers and optical equipment. The superstructure is composed of a structural steel frame and designed to resist collapse in accordance with Antiterrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) requirements.

Barge Design Solutions provided HVAC, plumbing, steam, lighting and power distribution, communications and security, utilities, storm drainage, lighting protection, and fire protection. Site work included sidewalks, curbs and gutters, access drive control systems, and site upgrades to meet AT/FP requirements. Architectural and interior design were also included as part of the project.

The Result

The renovation of Building 23 was a testament to Barge's engineering expertise and commitment to excellence. Barge successfully transformed a historic asset into a modern, sustainable, and secure facility, meeting the evolving needs of the U.S. Air Force. The team's ability to balance preservation with innovation while also prioritizing sustainability and security positioned Barge as a valuable partner in this critical project. The project exceeded the original goal of designing to a LEED Silver level, making it the first LEED Gold building on the base.

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By the Numbers

  • The best architectural firm according to Modern Healthcare

$22.5 M

$22.5 M



53,378 Sq Ft

Square-Foot Renovation

The Barge Factor

The project exceeded the original goal of designing to a LEED Silver level, making it the first LEED Gold building on the base. Our knowledge of the facilities at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base made us a strong member of the design/build team, and the variety of services offered at Barge allowed the company to develop a collaborative and cohesive design.

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