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Carpenter Technology Specialty Steel Mill

  • Tennessee
Architecture   /   Interior DesigN


Architecture / Interior Design


The Challenge

Carpenter Technology undertook a huge initiative to build a new 200-acre facility in Athens, Alabama, to increase production capacity and subsequently provide faster customer response time. To achieve their goals, they collaborated with Turner Construction and Barge Design Solutions (Barge) on a fast-track design-build initiative for the Athens Operations Program, a $500+ million investment focused on specialty alloy steel products for high-performance products such as jet engines, turbines, and medical devices. 

The project’s initial phase centered on developing essential site infrastructure and the installation of the world’s largest radial forge. A total of 10 buildings needed design ranging in size from 20,000 to 500,000 square feet, optimized to operate in a streamlined, assembly-line style that supports Carpenter’s goal of reducing lead times for their clients. 

The Solution

In a fast-track design/build initiative with Turner Construction, Barge provided architectural, electrical, mechanical, structural, controls-automation, machine, and civil design. Phase I included the installation of the world’s largest radial forge and the site development and infrastructure. Our team designed a total of 10 buildings ranging in size from 20,000 to 500,000 square feet. Carpenter and the design/build team chose the optimum equipment and layout to make the facility work as if it were an assembly line, rather than a traditional batch-by-batch operation.  

The operations goal was to reduce lead times so their customers could better manage their own lead times. The scope of work featured full design for multiple buildings, equipment foundations, a data center, and ancillary process control systems. Barge also led coordination with local authorities on permits and tie-ins. Buildings in the complex housed ingot conditioning, remelt, forge/finish area, switchgear, data center, material and chemical laboratory, shipping, locker rooms, maintenance, and guard station.

The Result

Today, the Athens, Alabama facility significantly impacts the local economy by providing high-paying jobs in advanced manufacturing, acting as a major hub for producing specialized alloys. This project has been recognized by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) with a National Recognition Award and a Grand Award by ACEC of Tennessee.

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By the Numbers

  • The best architectural firm according to Modern Healthcare

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