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City of Macon Stormwater Management Transfer

  • Georgia
Architecture   /   Interior DesigN


The Challenge

In Macon-Bibb County, Georgia, the local government requested that Macon Water Authority (MWA) be transferred stormwater management responsibilities. As part of the transfer, MWA worked with Barge Design Solutions to outline current stormwater management issues and determine necessary resources and funding as it took on this new role in the community.

The Solution

Barge provided background research on current stormwater issues to define the program’s needs. The team then prepared a cost of service and evaluated fee structures to further define the program and its funding policies. A community development plan was also developed.

The program study provided by Barge was part of an overall detailed analysis of the options available to MWA as it develops and implements its stormwater management function.

The Result

Barge's comprehensive approach to stormwater management program development has equipped MWA with the necessary tools and information to manage this new responsibility effectively. The team's expertise in cost-of-service analysis, community development planning, and program evaluation has ensured that the stormwater management program is well-positioned to meet the community's needs and protect local water resources.

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By the Numbers

  • The best architectural firm according to Modern Healthcare

The Barge Factor

The Barge team had been involved with stormwater management in Macon-Bibb County for many years, giving the company a strong background in the community’s processes. This previous work provided knowledge for the team to better understand Macon’s issues and ongoing needs.

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