Old Madison Pike Widening
- Alabama

The Challenge
The City of Huntsville needed to relieve traffic congestion and increase safety on Old Madison Pike. Barge Design Solutions was tasked with widening a two-lane section with continuity to an existing four-lane section. This project required the replacement of two bridges, as well as two box culverts.
The Solution
Barge provided structural design to replace the existing bridges and then raised them above the 100-year floodplain. The increased elevation was also done to accommodate a future greenway extension. A sidewalk was provided on the north side of the roadway and included a new parking area for the Indian Creek Greenway.
A hydraulic analysis was also completed for the two existing box culverts and replacement bridges. Environmental assessments were conducted as requested by the Federal Highway Administration.
The Result
The successful completion of the Old Madison Pike widening project has transformed the transportation corridor for the City of Huntsville, making it safer and more efficient. The widened roadway, along with new bridge replacements, enhanced pedestrian infrastructure, and careful attention to environmental considerations, has significantly improved traffic flow and safety for all users, showcasing the team's expertise in roadway design and infrastructure improvement.
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