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Omussee Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

  • Alabama
Architecture   /   Interior DesigN


The Challenge

The Omussee Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed in 1969. Due to the facility's age, the projected growth within the Omussee Creek basin, and the desire to treat a higher wastewater capacity, the City of Dothan needed to prepare a Facilities Plan Update. This update would define current and future regulations and assess the current facilities' age and condition. This opportunity also allowed for an analysis of future needs and criteria development to evaluate treatment alternatives.

The Solution

Barge Design Solutions developed a plan that reviewed the plant's current state to help the City plan for the future. After the Facilities Plan Update was approved, Barge proceeded with the design of the recommended improvements, including a new treatment train and pump stations to serve the entire plant.

Existing facilities were repurposed for other uses as needed. The design includes provisions to meet future regulations that may be implemented, and space has been provided for future expansion.

The Result

The Barge team's exceptional work on the Facilities Plan Update has equipped the City of Dothan with a strategic roadmap for the future of the Omussee Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Their meticulous assessment, forward-thinking planning, and creative design solutions have positioned the plant for enduring success and adherence to environmental standards.

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By the Numbers

  • The best architectural firm according to Modern Healthcare

The Barge Factor

Barge’s familiarity with the City of Dothan and its wastewater system gave the company a well-rounded understanding of needs, particularly in regard to future expansion.

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