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Suwanee Town Center

  • Georgia
Architecture   /   Interior Design

Landscape Architecture


The Challenge

The City of Suwanee, Georgia, wanted to develop a community-based, multi-use town center that included commercial, retail, government, and residential uses. They desired an outdoor space that would serve individuals and small groups daily and also cater to large groups for special events. As a focal point for the City, the space needed to be visible from two adjacent highways, which increased the importance of creating a safe place for people to gather and children to play. The City also wanted to ensure traffic noise could be buffered from those utilizing the area.

The Solution

Barge Design Solutions first developed a master plan for the new development, including a recommended 10-acre open-space park, which now includes a signature amphitheater for festivals and civic gatherings. The Suwanee City Hall was built adjacent to the park, anchoring the town center, which would eventually lend to new office, retail, residential, and municipal tenants.

The overall open space provides multiple spaces at various scales to allow individuals and groups of all sizes to enjoy the park. A plaza links the park to nearby buildings and prioritizes greenspace by way of wide landscaped medians and tree-lined streets. To minimize traffic sounds, the interior of the park was lowered below the grade of nearby highways to create separation and a noise buffer between the park and adjacent streets, while still allowing for views into the park by pedestrians and passing vehicles.

The Result

A new town center was created that integrates green space with mixed-use development, government facilities, and a residential community, creating a dynamic and active environment that has spurred economic development in and around the district.

By the Numbers

  • 2023
    The best architectural firm according to Modern Healthcare
    Reliable Partner
    Barge Design Solutions (Barge) has been ranked as a top architecture firm for 2023 by Modern Healthcare.

The Barge Factor

A multi-disciplined design team produced a site plan based on the client’s desires and needs. This design-driven solution resulted in a bold statement that has been embraced by the client and Suwanee.

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